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Reverse Show Rooming

When a customer finds your product in a brick and mortar retail store they typically want to learn about it before buying.

At this point today's consumer will most often reach for their cellphone to research your product online.

Search results for your product will almost always contain a link to Amazon. Most likely this link will be at or near the top of the first page of the search results which is where the buyer is going to continue the research.

Amazon is not only a platform for consumers to buy products on but it is a commonly used source of information about your product.

Your product listing on Amazon contains a description, images and customer reviews which helps the consumer make a buying decision. As you can imagine the way your product's story is told on the listing has great potential for influence.

Whether or not this influence is positive or negative depends on the quality of the listing and customer reviews.

Online research of your product can affect sales offline.

Does the Amazon listing of your product tell the story the way you want it to?


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